AkaBenezer – Lomo Lomo Episode 1 | Opoku & Precious
AkaBenezer - Lomo Lomo | Opoku & Precious

If there’s one man who knows how to crack ribs effortlessly, it’s Aka-Benezer! With his dramatic movements, exaggerated swag, and mouth as sharp as a razor, he keeps fans entertained every time. And in this episode of Lomo Lomo, Aka-Benezer’s wahala is on another level!
It all started when he walked into Opoku’s shop, swinging his arms like a rich man on a mission. “Opoku my gee! Lomo Lomo! I have arrived, balance me with small credit.”
But Opoku wasn’t buying into his usual tricks. “Ei Aka-Benezer, you still haven’t paid the last one. Today, no credit oo.”
With full confidence, Aka-Benezer adjusted his tight coat and said, “Ah Opoku! Credit is like love, if you don’t trust me, how can I buy from you?”
Just as Opoku was about to chase him away, Precious, the beautiful lady in the area, walked by. In a flash, Aka-Benezer transformed! His voice softened, his posture straightened, and suddenly, he was a big man. “Ah, Precious, my queen! If beauty were a business, you would be the CEO!”
Precious laughed, “Aka-Benezer, what do you want?”
With full confidence, he rubbed his belly and said, “Just a little lunch from your heart… maybe small fufu with goat meat.”
Precious didn’t hesitate. “You don’t have money, but you want goat meat? Try beans and gari!”
“Lomo Lomo! A king must not argue with the peasants. We move!”
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